G.O. Tap Plus is authorized installer for Triple plus.
Triple+ offers solutions for averting property damages, injuries and financial losses caused by water leaks. It offers solutions using rock solid materials and ground-breaking technology. With the Triple+ App., you can protect your home 24/7 from anywhere in the world!
The secured and reliable Triple+ CLM™ HUB communicates with the connected devices and the Triple+ cloud.
The wireless, battery operated Shut Off Unit is installed on the main water pipe. It closes automatically the water supply whenever an event is identified. A manual Shutoff can also be generated by the user.
The wireless battery operated water Actuator is mounted on a ISO5211 NSF372-certified ball valve installed on the main water pipe. It shuts off automatically the water supply whenever a leak is detected. Shutoff can also be generated manually by the user.
The wireless battery operated flood sensor is installed in places where high risks of water flooding may occur. Whenever water is detected, an automatic command is sent to the CLM™ HUB.
Triple+ CLM™ Water Flow Sensor is designed to measure water abnormal water consumption . The data is reported to the Triple+ App and the Monitoring Station to allow the user to take action regarding the leak. The sensor will not cause water valve shutoff.
The wireless repeater is used to extend the communication range between the system devices and the HUB. Generally, the repeater is used when the signal between the devices and the HUB is too weak.
Triple+ CLM™ Water Flow Sensor is designed to measure abnormal water consumption . The data is reported to the Triple+ App and the Monitoring Station to allow the user to take action regarding the leak. The sensor will not cause water valve shutoff.
Triple+ NWL™ Control Unit is installed where manual control of the system is required. The controller communicates with the flood sensors and the Shut off Unit or Actuator, displays their position, the communication health, and allows manual control of the water flow.